
Seedless Guava - Crisp enticing aroma great fruit must have
Hybrid Pearl Guava
Giant Guava
Emperor Guava
KingKong Guava
Seedless Guava(oval)
Seedless Guava(round)
Red Guava
7" Guava

2 Gallon Live Grafted Plant

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Imported from Malaysia the fruit nearly the round, Roucui, big like apples. Spectacularly good flavor, high price
The beginning of autumn after the temperature difference between day and night, the sweetness of the guava rise, a guava contains Vitamin C150 mg
Heavy production. The flesh is sweet,crisp, aromatic and of excellent eating quality. The tree is a moderately vigorous grower attaining heights of 6-8 feet adorned with fruit that often hang in clusters. Fruit ripen from September throrugh December.